Tuesday, November 26, 2019

GOL essays

GOL essays The first step in setting out criteria for evaluating Government Online (GOL) is to know what GOL basically is. GOL or e-government brings the services offered traditionally by phone, over the counter or mail; online to create seamless, responsive and citizen focused government for the benefit of all citizens, stake holders, and government agencies. The five criterions for evaluating GOL are as follows: [The citizen as customer idea was first articulated as far back as 1993, in the words of then United States Vice president Al Gore, we are going to make the federal government customer friendly. A lot of people dont realize that the federal government has customers. We have customers; the American people]i. This statement brings about an approach in which focus is put onto creating agencies and services keeping in mind the citizen needs and requirements Once we have decided that citizens, stakeholders and agencies internally are our customers; we can use the following techniques (accenture report) to find out how capable GOL is in building its relationship with its customers and satisfying their requirements: Insight: Whether GOL remembers the customers Interactivity of the portal: How many related sites can the customer access through one site? Organization: Whether the site is made around the customer needs and requirements? Customer offering: Does the site provide help to the customer in regard with their needs? Accessibility: Can it help the customer access non-governmental sites through GOL? Feedback: The level of satisfaction for which survey and feedback are the best tools to get client responsiveness. There should be a mechanism to inquire about the customer relation with GOL. Stated below are some of the provisions to be used to make the site technology efficient: ...

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